Random Acts

1. prepare a meal for a homeless person, give packs of cheese & crackers or a meal card at a fast food restaurant 2. smile :) at someone 3. call your mother to tell her you love her 4. write a handwritten note to someone thanking them for something unexpected 5. knit a beanie or blanket for a homeless person 6. put change in the washer/dryer for the next person 7. fill an expired or about to expire parking meter 8. leave some extra money in the vending machine 9. buy a little extra grocery for the local food bank 10. plant a tree 11. send your favorite grade school teacher flowers 12. write a thank you letter to your parents or someone who made you feel loved 13. pay the toll for the person behind you 14. tape a nice saying or thought to a bus window 15. instead of just thinking it, compliment someone 16. give a someone a flower you picked to a stranger 17. ask someone “how are you?” mean it and listen 18. make some baked goods for your neighbor(s) or a co-worker 19. hug your loved ones for no particular reason 20. make a special meal for your partner or housemate 21. call someone you haven’t talked to in a while and don’t talk about your life, but find out about theirs 22. give someone a flower …or a dozen 23. offer someone else your seat on the bus/train 24. visit a senior center or nursing home 25. say “thank you” for the otherwise routine, mundane 26. use lipstick to draw a heart on the mirror of someone you love 27. donate one of your favorite possessions 28. give someone a fruit basket 29. collect clothes to take to a local shelter 30. stop to have a conversation with a homeless person 31. give an inspiring book to a struggling friend 32. leave your favorite book in a public place with a note 33. donate books to your local library 34. visit an animal shelter just to help out 35. volunteer at a soup kitchen 36. build a home with Habitat for Humanity 37. mentor local youth 38. pay for the person behind you at the drive-thru 39. buy dessert for someone eating out alone 40. pick up the tab for a random table at a restaurant 41. put $10 on a random gas pump 42. buy flowers for the cashier at the grocery store 43. visit an orphanage with some goodies 44. prepare a “to-go” breakfast for the morning mailman or UPS or FedEx delivery person 45. mail a friend some cupcakes 46. send anonymous flowers to your office receptionist 47. buy an extra umbrella on a rainy day and give it away 48. give your waiter or waitress a huge tip 49. tape an anonymous joke to your boss’ monitor (that s/he would like!) 50. send a nice card to a family member, just because 51. don’t lose any opportunity to say: I love you 52. leave a funny or kind note in an unexpected place 53. invite a friend over for dinner with your family 54. read to a child 55. rake someone else’s yard 56. be a courteous driver 57. hold the elevator 58. visit a locally owned store and thank them for their impact on the community 59. recycle 60. offer to carry something for someone 61. set up a free lemonade stand on a hot day 62. take some soup or hot chocolate to a homeless person 63. leave a collection of positive news clippings in a waiting room 64. practice patience 65. refrain from gossiping; speak well of others 66. act as if the glass were half full 67. offer to repair little things for someone who doesn’t have the ability to do so 68. let someone get ahead of you in line 69. listen intently 70. prepare a nutritious sack lunch for a homeless person 71. babysit for a single parent 72. wave a “honk if you like to smile” poster at a street intersection 73. be bold in your appreciation of life around you 74. create an inspired piece of art and gift it to someone 75. give a lottery ticket to a stranger 76. compliment a stranger sincerely 77. run an errand for someone 78. give something awesome away on craigslist 79. leave some extra stamps at the post office 80. send a friend an old photo and recall that time 81. send a random person in the phone book a small gift 82. send a family member a small gift anonymously 83. donate an hour of your professional services 84. invite someone who is alone over for dinner 85. leave chocolate for your co-worker 86. spend time with the elderly 87. pay on someone’s electric bill this month 88. write a letter of appreciation 89. introduce yourself to someone you always see around 90. anonymously send a friend in need some cash 91. take a neighbor a pizza 92. tape some change to a payphone 93. put up anonymous, lovely post-it notes for strangers to find 94. donate blood 95. cook dinner for a busy parent 96. give a little one a lollipop 97. make time for someone you know needs someone who cares 98. speak gently 99. laugh heartily 100. Stop everything and give a hand…
(inspired from loveistheword.org)